Sombrero’s Restaurants, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Sombrero’s Restaurants
Seller ID: SA6128919129
Registration Date: 31-10-2017 16:34:55
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Hotel & Restaurant
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Hotel and Restaurant
Sub Category: Accommodation

Sombrero’s Restaurants

At Sombrero’s Restaurants, we take genuine pride in serving our guests Mexican Fusion dishes made with the finest ingredients available and classic cooking techniques. We serve up Mexican Fusion food creations that are fresh throughout the day to ensure the ultimate in flavor all day. Our crew works, treat all our guests like family, and they go the extra mile to make sure you enjoy your meal and You’ll have a SMASHING time in our restaurant, We love it when our gust smash the plate as they walk out from restaurants as a sign of (satisfy by the service). For the best Mexican Fusion food in Muscat, be sure to visit our restaurant for a perfect Mexican atmosphere

   Sombrero’s Restaurants

   , Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 91386922

   +968 24692343



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